Our Story


It all started when…

Jeff and I moved to Arizona and we were too young to retire , and we weren't sure what we do, but we know we wanted to be here! We started off in the restaurant industry while nestling into our new 55+ living , and noticed there were lots of golf carts cruising around our community! We vowed that we would never own one, as we have old school Schwinn bikes we like to take little journeys on. Well one day after about 6 months of walking by our neighbors dusty golf cart that never moved, Jeff was walking with our youngest son, and asked our friendly neighbor if she wanted to sell it, (cart pictured below). He figured it would be a father son project…The boys quickly got the cart up and running and sold it. The thrill began! After that the boys  looked online for more golf cart projects. And so began my husband's love of golf carts!

My love of the 4 wheel vehicles didn’t hit me until a couple years later when I saw my first Tomberlin! At that point I had seen many many golf carts, but this Tomberlin was beautiful! I knew they were different! I couldn’t shake the thought of them, so we actually hopped on a plane and met with Mike Tomberlin and toured their Florida facility! Tomberlins logo is “We go farther” and I knew that was going to be the case not only in golf cart driving distance and performance, but also in relationships! We have since developed relationships with many of the Tomberlin team and with all of our customers! When we decided to take the leap into becoming a dealer, I knew we could be very successful with their leadership in the industry! 

Fast forward, and we are now not only living the dream of being Arizona residents, but we are also living the dream of being small business owners who are here to meet and serve you!

As for the thought we would never own a golf cart, the joke is on us, because now of course , we sell them!